Access the K–12 Score Reporting Portal

CLEP score reports are available through the College Board K–12 score reporting portal. This password-protected site lets high school and district professionals view and analyze student scores and download data files for the SAT Suite of Assessments and CLEP. If no one at your school has ever accessed the portal, follow these steps to gain access. If your school already has an access manager, go to the last step.

Get student scores in the K–12 Reporting Portal.


  1. If your school or district already has an access manager, request access from them.

    If your school or district has an access manager for the K–12 score reporting portal, contact them and request detailed reporting access for the portal to run a CLEP report. If you're not sure who your school's access manager is, email [email protected] with "K–12 Score Reporting Portal - Access Manager" in the subject line and we'll send you the information.

    When your manager assigns you access, you'll get an email with an invitation link that will prompt you to sign in to your College Board professional account. Click on K–12 Assessment Reporting on your account dashboard under My Tools and Services and then follow the instructions below to run a CLEP report.

  2. Email the College Board to get an access code.

    Email [email protected] with "K–12 Reporting Portal - Access Code" in the subject line, and we'll send a code to give you initial access to the Managing Access tool, which allows users to assign and manage access to the K–12 reporting portal.

  3. Sign in to your College Board account.

    Once you have an access code, sign into your College Board account or create a new one by going to the professional dashboard.

  4. Click General under the heading Add Additional Tools and Services.

    You will now see a number of options under General with links labeled "Get Access."

  5. Click Get Access next to Managing Access to support K–12 Assessment Reporting.

    This will take you to a screen where you will enter your access code.

  6. Enter your institution and access code.

    The access code is only valid for the institution specified.

  7. Go to the Managing Access tool.

    After you enter the access code, you should see the Managing Access tool listed under the My Tools and Services heading. Click on this.

  8. Assign roles and invite users.

    Once in the Managing Access tool page, go to the Invite Users tab and enter the appropriate information. Please note you'll need to assign yourself and/or colleagues the Detailed Reports (K–12) role in order to run CLEP reports in the K–12 Portal. If you plan to continue to grant colleagues access to the K–12 Portal, you'll also need to assign yourself the Access Management/DAT (K–12) role. After clicking on the Email Invitation button, you'll receive an email with a link to log in to the K–12 Portal.