Post Your Policy to the CLEP Website

Tens of thousands of students visit the CLEP website each month to see which colleges and universities grant CLEP credit. To ensure students have the most accurate information for your institution, help us keep your policy up to date.

To share your CLEP credit policy with students, follow the steps below.


  1. Assign a staff member to oversee your CLEP credit policy.

    Each institution must have a point of contact who is responsible for keeping your policy current.

  2. Get a CLEP score recipient institution code.

    A CLEP code allows colleges, universities, and other organizations to receive official CLEP scores. When students register for a CLEP exam, they can designate your institution to receive their scores. If your institution already administers CLEP exams, your CLEP test center code is the same code used for receiving scores.

    To request a code, complete the CLEP Designated Institutions (Score Recipients) application. The application also includes a section to input your CLEP Credit-by-Examination Policy. You may complete this section when applying for a code or provide it to us later. 

    Once submitted, please allow 3-5 business days for us to review your request and follow up with your code or additional questions. 

  3. Submit a CLEP College Credit Policy Form.

    If you didn’t include your institution’s CLEP policy with your CLEP code application, select the “Update Institution’s Credit Policy” on the Start and Maintain Your CLEP Program Request Form. Once you receive a credit policy form, enter the required score and number of credits awarded for each subject. If you don't award credit for an exam, type "0" in the Minimum Required Score and Credit Hours Granted fields. Please allow two weeks for your policy to be posted on the CLEP website.

  4. Update a published CLEP policy.

    To update your institution's CLEP credit policy once it's been published, follow the steps provided in item 3.

    Note: To update your policy, only enter the information that has changed.

    For example, if your institution has changed the number of credits awarded for the American Literature exam from 3 to 6, simply go to the American Literature exam row and enter "6" in the Credit Hours Awarded column.

    If you have discontinued granting credit for an exam, please enter "0" in the Credit Hours Granted column for that exam.